How to Force Quit on Mac

how to force quit on Mac, Sometimes, an app on your Mac may stop working and not close normally. When this happens, you need to know how to force quit on Mac to fix the problem. Force quitting helps you close the frozen app and start fresh.

To force quit on Mac, you can use a simple keyboard shortcut or the Apple menu. If that doesn’t work, restarting your Mac is another option. In this blog post, we will show you step-by-step methods to force quit an app safely.

What Is Force Quit on Mac and When Should You Use It

Force quitting is a way to close an app that is frozen or not responding. It is different from closing an app normally because it forces the app to stop immediately. This can be useful if an app is slowing down your Mac or preventing other apps from working properly.

You should use force quit only when an app is stuck and will not close in the usual way. If an app freezes, stops responding, or causes your Mac to slow down, force quitting can help. However, it is always best to try closing the app normally first before using force quit.

If you notice that an app keeps freezing often, it might be a sign of a bigger problem. Checking for updates or reinstalling the app can help prevent future issues. Keeping your Mac’s software up to date also helps avoid crashes.

How to Force Quit on Mac Using a Keyboard Shortcut

One of the fastest ways to force quit an app is by using a keyboard shortcut. This method is simple and works even when your screen is frozen.

To force quit using a keyboard shortcut:

  • Press Option + Command + Esc at the same time.
  • A window called Force Quit Applications will appear.
  • Select the app that is not responding.
  • Click Force Quit to close the app.

This method works well for most apps that stop responding. If it does not work, you can try using the Apple menu or Activity Monitor to close the app.

How to Force Quit on Mac Using the Apple Menu

If a frozen app does not close with the keyboard shortcut, you can try using the Apple menu. This method is easy and works in most cases.

To force quit using the Apple menu:

  • Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen.
  • Select Force Quit from the menu.
  • The Force Quit Applications window will open.
  • Choose the app that is stuck and click Force Quit.

This method is useful when you are unable to use your keyboard or prefer using the mouse. If the app still does not close, you can try using the Activity Monitor.

How to Close an App on Mac Using the Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor is a tool that helps you see and manage running apps. If other methods do not work, you can use this tool to force quit an app.

To close an app using Activity Monitor:

  • Open Activity Monitor (Find it in Applications > Utilities).
  • Look for the app that is frozen.
  • Click on the app and then click the X button at the top.
  • Choose Force Quit to close the app.

Activity Monitor is useful for closing apps that use too much CPU or memory. It also helps you find apps that are slowing down your Mac.

How to Restart Finder When It Stops Responding on Mac

Finder is always running on your Mac, but sometimes it can freeze or become slow. You can restart Finder without restarting your Mac.

To restart Finder:

  • Open the Force Quit Applications window (Option + Command + Esc).
  • Select Finder from the list.
  • Click Relaunch instead of Force Quit.

This will close and restart Finder, fixing any small issues. If Finder keeps freezing, consider clearing its cache or restarting your Mac.

What to Do If You Can’t Force Quit on Mac

If an app will not close even after trying all the force quit methods, you may need to restart your Mac.

To restart your Mac:

  • Click on the Apple logo and choose Restart.
  • If your Mac is frozen, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds.
  • Wait a few seconds, then turn your Mac back on.

Restarting helps fix serious issues and clears temporary errors. If your Mac keeps freezing often, check for macOS updates or remove problem apps.

Does Force Quitting Apps on Mac Cause Any Issues

Force quitting is useful, but it should not be overused. It can cause problems like:

  • Losing unsaved work – Apps close immediately without saving.
  • Possible app corruption – Some apps may not work properly if force quit often.
  • Memory leaks – If an app frequently crashes, it may be a sign of a bigger issue.

It is always better to close apps normally when possible. Use force quit only when an app is completely unresponsive.


Sometimes, apps on a Mac stop working, and knowing how to force quit on Mac is important. You can use simple methods like a keyboard shortcut, the Apple menu, or Activity Monitor to close unresponsive apps. If none of these work, restarting your Mac can help fix the issue. Force quitting is useful, but it is best to close apps normally when possible.

To keep your Mac running smoothly, always update your apps and macOS. Try not to open too many apps at once, as this can slow down your system. If an app keeps freezing, consider reinstalling it or checking for updates. By following these tips, you can prevent problems and enjoy a fast, problem-free Mac experience!


Q: What is force quitting on Mac?
A: Force quitting is a way to close an app that is frozen and will not close normally. It stops the app immediately so you can restart it.

Q: How do I force quit an app using a keyboard shortcut?
A: Press Option + Command + Esc, then select the frozen app and click Force Quit.

Q: Can force quitting cause problems?
A: Yes, force quitting can make you lose unsaved work. It is best to use it only when needed.

Q: What should I do if force quit does not work?
A: Try restarting your Mac by clicking Apple Menu > Restart or holding the power button for 10 seconds.

Q: How can I prevent apps from freezing on my Mac?
A: Keep macOS and apps updated, close unused apps, and restart your Mac regularly.

By Admin

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